I am a Federal informant on national security. It is time to prosecute based on my reporting.
The public needs to understand that Federal law enforcement has shut down its best reporting to protect criminals. I know. They shut down the intelligence I've provided.
My name is Eric Garland. Since 1997, I have dedicated my life to the practice of human intelligence (HUMINT) and strategic intelligence. Inspired by the bravery of Special Agent Johnathan BUMA, one of the best counterintelligence professionals in the world and a tireless warrior in the protection of democratic values, I am going public with my real work for the first time.
Recently, I wrote a viral thread on Twitter about SA BUMA’s historic professional effort exposing the treason of Rudy GIULIANI, crimes supposedly undertaken on behalf of President Donald TRUMP. Read it here. Better yet, also read J. Arthur BLOOM’s story about foreign compromise of Federal law enforcement - the first and best take on SA BUMA’s work - right here. BLOOM first published the incredibly brave disclosure by BUMA to the treacherous, fake “Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government” that Rep. Jim JORDAN has cooked up for his criminal and foreign masters.
BUMA went through proper whistleblower channels to show how corrupt elements in the U.S. Government were working with the Russian and Israeli intelligence services to weaponize the government against (now-President) Joe BIDEN, through attacks on his son, Hunter BIDEN. Based on information and belief, BUMA was the first FBI agent to expose this malign influence Op. This operation not only further assaulted an upcoming American election on behalf of Vladimir PUTIN, XI Jinping, and Benjamin NETANYAHU, it also resulted in BUMA’s career being mercilessly attacked for his being one of the most effective counterintelligence leaders and operators in the world.
That’s only my opinion. But it is well founded. You see, I’m one of the counterintelligence and transnational organized crime sources that the FBI shut down when they targeted BUMA.
I am a long-time intelligence source for the USIC and our allies
Despite my own targeting by hostile foreign intelligence and domestic traitors for years, I have assiduously avoided talking about my own experience except when absolutely necessary. The mission is bigger than any one of us, of course. Also, I had not - until today - really explained publicly what my work has been. Now, since so many of my colleagues have been persecuted, harassed, kidnapped, and worse, it is time for me to explain my role, and to exhort the Federal Government to protect the patriots working so hard to save this country.
As our enemies know, I am an intelligence professional with two main fields of expertise: HUMINT — operations, training of agents, and recruitment of sources — and strategic intelligence with a focus on the implications of technology on national security. Since 1999, I have worked in a publicly-recognizable manner for the following clients: the United States Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, Sandia National Laboratories, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, the Department of Homeland Security, the United States Department of Justice, 3M, General Motors, Ford Motor Company, IBM, Siemens, Dupont, the Government of the French Republic, and His Most Serene Highness, Albert II of Monaco. My full client list is confidential.
I am a trained linguist and have operated on four continents.
My duty, no matter what my business card says at any given time, is to the safety and well-being of the United States, all her people, its Constitution, and the same for this country’s allies. As such, I have been a source to multiple nations of the AUKUS, FVEY, and NATO alliances over the years on the subjects of hostile foreign intelligence operations as well as transnational organized crime.
Some of my exploits have been made public, and I can discuss them openly. For example, I was targeted by Russian intelligence with assistance from Israeli intelligence by their agent “Andriy BEZHRUKOV” aka “Don HEATHFIELD.” Supposedly, Mr. BEZHRUKOV was a GRU/SVR agent of the Russian Federation. He targeted General Electric, the U.S. Department of State, the competitive intelligence profession, and likely much more. He was deported in 2010. The FBI publicly called this counterintelligence operation “Op GHOST STORIES;” real codename still classified. Rupert MURDOCH made a TV show about BEZHRUKOV set in the 1980s called “The Americans,” which was broadcast on the FX television network.
In recent years, I have assisted Special Agent BUMA and others to identify and neutralize hostile foreign intelligence services and the Mob on allied soil. I particularly have provided intelligence about those threats in the Midwest ever since I became a resident here in 2010. I worked with him extensively on an extremely hostile Israeli intelligence cell that continues to operate with impunity to this day, one that I have evidence attacked the FBI and Central Intelligence Agency directly. I also have recruited sub-sources for BUMA and other Federal agents over the past several years to enrich the confidence interval and quality of intelligence products.
I have reported on the following topics in no particular order:
Russian intelligence services - FSB, SVR, GRU
Israeli intelligence services - Mossad, Unit 8200, other
Indian intelligence services
Turkish intelligence services
Chinese intelligence services (MSS, MPS, economic espionage, election interference, biowarfare)
Healthcare fraud
Human trafficking, with a focus on child trafficking
Illegal labor practices, human smuggling
Russian organized crime (since 1998)
Mexican Cartels, MS-13, Mexican Mafia
Hells Angels
International money laundering (through local governments, real estate, private equity, bond markets)
Labor unions
Illegal lobbying, legislative corruption
Judicial corruption
That list, unfortunately, could go on. I have reported formally and informally for years. With immense chagrin, I have watched that reporting fail to result in prosecution or neutralization, even accounting for the difficulties of counterintelligence de-confliction and bureaucratic inefficiency.
Watching the mistreatment of Special Agent BUMA for doing a heroic job at his chosen profession is demoralizing. At best, you could say that our institutions have failed to protect Americans based on actionable intelligence from the world’s top professionals. But someone far worse is still happening.
The malign elements in society are still weaponizing Federal, state, and local government to try to destroy patriots working on counterespionage, public corruption, and organized crime.
The abuse of intelligence professionals must stop
BUMA’s reward for his historic counterintelligence work was to be demoted and harassed relentlessly. He took on Rudy GIULIANI just before he launched another assault on this nation with the help of Russian and Israeli intelligence, and BUMA got systematic, undeserved, undocumented harassment that continues to this day.
Mine was to be systematically defamed in the media and for my own minor-age children to be attacked through the St. Louis family court system. Here in St. Louis, they went so far as to hire fraudulent “psychological evaluators” and saddle me with fake psychiatric diagnoses that do not exist in the medical literature - with the explicit reasoning that my public writing on counterintelligence was proof that I was mentally ill. In particular, for writing about Russia, but with no limit to what they were surveilling or why they were seeking such revenge.
Even though I was sanctioned by Vladimir PUTIN himself in 2022. Right next to Merrick GARLAND on the list.

I have sought redress in Federal court in a civil suit, styled Garland v. Schroeder et al. to hold the judges, attorneys, and psychologists involved accountable for their violations of my certain and guaranteed rights under the Constitution. All defendants have claimed judicial immunity, asserting that they have the right to conspire to produce fraudulent psychiatric diagnoses by uncertified non-professionals against as many members of the intelligence community as they would like. The case is still pending.
My good friend and colleague Chris VICKERY, one of the world’s best cybersecurity experts and a national security asset to multiple allied nations was kidnapped from his home in December 2020 and thrown illegally into a mental institution for days. VICKERY was forced to take antipsychotics that nearly murdered him by way of a predictable diabetic near-coma. The reason given by the fake police officers sent to kidnap him - captured on video! - was that he wrote too much about Russia and organized crime. The California state courts are giving him the runaround about redressing the crimes and human rights violations committed against him for his professional, patriotic service to this democracy.
The judges there should resign immediately.
My good friend and colleague Charles Carlisle JOHNSON has done more counterintelligence work with less cover than probably any other agent I have ever heard of. He worked on Sen. Robert MENENDEZ for ten years who just got indicted this morning. JOHNSON has infiltrated and busted Israeli/Likud intelligence, the “alt-right,” dirty defense contractors, and treasonous billionaire networks, all while being defamed, attacked, and dismissed.
I have colleagues who have been sexually assaulted, stalked, driven to suicide. Almost all have had their family targeted. Marriages and children were never off limits. We had only each other for support for many years.
If we want a nation that can protect itself, this abuse of our most dedicated national security professionals must be exposed, investigated, prosecuted, and people need to go to prison for it.
But there is much more to be done. We have no time to waste.
The U.S. Federal Government must prosecute based on voluminous information already provided by high-quality sources at great risk
Yes, our government needs to protect its public servants and take down spies and Mobsters who would attack all of us. But it’s not about us. It’s about the work we do.
We’ve given the Feds the evidence to arrest countless criminals. We’ve told them about hostile intelligence operations from Ferguson to Miami to Malibu. We’ve told them about child trafficking, organ harvesting, slave labor, Constitutional violations, rapes, murders, and so much more.
Here’s what the U.S. Government must do:
Hold a public hearing in Congress with Special Agent BUMA so he can detail just how the FBI and others shut down his attempts to protect America from the January 6 coup attempt and the attacks on the current President of the United States.
Start there. Tell the American people what happened to a patriot on the inside of the system who did the best you can do—and who has so much more he can accomplish to protect this democracy.
Then, hold those who did wrong accountable.
After that, get your asses in gear and go back through our old reporting and warm up your prosecution engines. If our reports were destroyed, I assure you we have copies.
It’s time to secure this nation and its future for our children, and for humanity.
Those of us who helped so far, no matter the cost, are still in it to win it. So let’s rock and roll.
Give us some cover.